Welcome back to the Poudre Preview, where we give you a look at the upcoming week at Poudre every Monday. Make sure to check with us, and watch the Friday news to stay informed about events at our school. Let's make it a great week!

Monday: Today is Monday, January 29 and it is a B day.
Good morning Poudre! Today is Monday, Jan. 29 and it is a B day.
Today starts ticket sales for our Winter Dance! Tickets are $10 and will be on sale today at lunch in the Flag Hallway! See you there!
FBLA members, our competition is on Wednesday so all forms are due to Mr. Long tomorrow. Pick them up today if you missed the meeting last week.
There is a Pre-Season Tennis meeting for ALL girls interested in playing tennis this spring on Wednesday January 31st, during lunch in room 224. See Coach Ecton if you have any questions.
Starting tomorrow counselors will be in the media center meeting with students to finalize course requests for next school year. Meeting times are posted on the windows in the front hallway. Be sure to check what time you are scheduled to see your counselor and don’t forget to take your course registration sheet with you.
There will be an informational meeting for all boys who are interested in playing boys volleyball this spring! We will meet today in the Events Center at 4:15 pm after school. No experience necessary! We will discuss open gyms and other logistics for the upcoming season. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Christensen.
Current 9th, 10th, and 11th, graders. It is registration season and you need to finalize your course selection for next school year! After lunch today, please go to the main hallway to find posted dates and times in which you will meet your counselor in the library!
That's all for today impalas!
Tuesday: Today is Tuesday, January 30 and it is an A day.
Last day to drop Quarter 3 FRCC classes.
FBLA members, districts are tomorrow so get all forms turned in to Mr. Long today.
Tickets are on sale for the winter dance, Ready, Set, Snow! This fun night of dancing, music, food and games will be from 6:30-9:30 at Poudre on February 10th. Tickets are on sale for $10 in the Flag Hallway at lunch. Guest passes are required and can be picked up at the ticket sales table.
There is a Pre-Season Tennis meeting for ALL girls interested in playing tennis this spring on Wednesday (Jan 31) during lunch in room 224. See Coach Ecton if you have any questions.
Registration meetings with counselors start today in the media center. Check the meeting times posted in the front hallway to see when you are scheduled to see your counselor. Make sure you take your course registration sheet with you!
Wednesday: Today is Wednesday, January 31 and it is a B day.
Tickets are on sale for the winter dance, Ready, Set, Snow! This fun night of dancing, music, food and games will be from 6:30-9:30 at Poudre on February 10th. Tickets are on sale for $10 in the Flag Hallway at lunch. Guest passes are required and can be picked up at the ticket sales table.
There is a Pre-Season Tennis meeting for ALL girls interested in playing tennis this spring tomorrow, during lunch, in room 224. See Coach Ecton if you have any questions.
Thursday: Today is Thursday, February 1 and it is an A day.
Tickets are on sale for the winter dance, Ready, Set, Snow! This fun night of dancing, music, food and games will be from 6:30-9:30 at Poudre on February 10th. Tickets are on sale for $10 in the Flag Hallway at lunch. Guest passes are required and can be picked up at the ticket sales table.
Friday: Today is Friday, February 2 and it is a B day.
Fort Hays State University will b e in the career center at 10:45.
Tickets are on sale for the winter dance, Ready, Set, Snow! This fun night of dancing, music, food and games will be from 6:30-9:30 at Poudre on February 10th. Tickets are on sale for $10 in the Flag Hallway at lunch. Guest passes are required and can be picked up at the ticket sales table.
If you were unable to meet with your counselor to finalize your course requests for next school year make sure to follow up with your counselor as soon as possible.
Don't forget to check out the PHS News Today!